Choose Not To Just Lose Weight in 2020
It’s the end of January. This month has gone by so fast… I cannot believe I am only now posting this. I wonder how many of you have made New Year’s resolutions. If previous years prove to be an indication of what to expect this year, many of the goals set on January 1st have already slipped away as quietly and predictably as the snow blanketing part of the county.
We’ve seen it time and time again. The gym fills to the brim on the first day of January, only to be slimmed down by the fifth. The newest trending fad diet book graces everyone’s reading list only to accumulate dust on the shelf mere months later.
We could spend time talking about how to set proper goals. There are countless gurus and experts who will emphasize the key elements, such as being measurable, having a time frame and being achievable. Instead, I want to talk about taking a different approach to your health goals this year. You’ll hear the standard resolution, “I want to lose weight.” Perhaps that’s even what is driving you to this blog post. While I support that goal, since it is something you can measure and set a timeframe for, I want you to dig deeper. Go beyond the goal that lasts mere moments at the start of the year.
Embark on a journey of powerful and sustainable change. Aim for sustainably improving your overall health.
Weight is just the tip of the iceberg. When people reach unhealthy weights, or even just put on a few extra pounds, it’s a sign of imbalance in the body. Weight issues prove to be complex challenges, often going beyond a simple solution of “eat less calories.” If it were that simple, more people would eat fewer calories and lose countless pounds, right?
Instead, losing weight means navigating an intricate web of metabolism regulating hormones, sex hormones, hydration, electrolytes, blood sugar, imbalances and more. It comes as no surprise that the human body, which can accomplish incredible feats, is truly complex.
There are also those who may even reach a “healthy” weight, but still fall short of optimal full body health. From easily catching the cold that’s going around the office to getting frequent headaches to having trouble sleeping to feeling run-down all the time, there are other signs of unhealthiness other than weight.
Which is why focusing on reaching true full body health is the best resolution for 2020.
Benefits of the Holistic Approach
When we narrow our focus to one area, such as weight, we limit the potential of achieving full body health. Focusing on weight skims the surface, setting you up for unmaintainable results. It’s common to cut calories or ramp up exercise to see results only to slowly slip back into your old habits, often times putting on more than you lost.
A single-faced approach doesn’t change the core of the problem, making it unsustainable.
Starting from a holistic approach changes your basic health fundamentals. Your overall health is influenced by multiple factors, including diet, exercise, sleeping patterns, emotions, stress, water intake and others. The body is a complex machine where everything works in unison together. When one part, such as sleep or eating too much junk food, goes out of alignment, other areas of your life health start to react.
On the other side, when you embrace full body health, the transformation transcends expectations. In addition to finding extra wiggle room in your current wardrobe, your skin starts to glow. When three o’clock rolls around, you won’t find yourself reaching for a candy bar to boost your energy. Winding down in the evening will become easier, followed by a restful night of sleep.
The difference when you approach holistic health is you get full body results.
Defining Healthy
Many individuals today find that they need to be retaught about health. With the influx of fads and constant stream of “miracle cures” hitting the mainstream markets, the world is filled with an endless supply of misinformation. What we thought was healthy three years ago suddenly loses their fifteen minutes of fame for the most recent super food hitting the stores.
Rather than following fad to fad, I invite you to focus on education. Learn the truth behind what is healthy, and listen to how your body responds to different food groups. Each of us is different, which means that we respond to products differently. You can learn more about that here.
Get Results
In just 30 days you can realign your health. Yes, all of your health. Instead of quickly losing a few pounds just to begrudgingly watch their return, dedicate 2020 to the year you achieved and maintained a healthy lifestyle.
Better sleep.
Healthy weight.
Radiant skin.
More balance.
Less sick days.
Ultimate harmony with your body.
For motivated individuals who can follow a detailed plan step by step, I recommend the Beautiful Body Cleanse. This 30-day course blends education, habit-forming routines and guided exercises to put you on the best track for your health. We’re talking about a complete look at everything that factors into your overall health. From navigating the grocery store, to meal prep, to exercise, to exploring digestion and emotions, you’ll walk through every aspect of what defines our health.
When you finish the course, not only will you be healthier, but you will also have the skills, education and habits to continue toward making this year the healthiest you’ve ever been. By pairing education with habit-forming routine, you’ll cut to the core of the specific health challenges currently holding you back from feeling and looking great. It even taps into natural secrets for whitening your teeth.
Some of my clients have lost up to 8lbs the first week, and others have shed as much as 25lbs in a month. More importantly, they developed the habits to maintain these healthy habits for life. They also experienced all the wonderful side effects of full body health, such as better sleep and feeling more energized.
To experience your more radiant state of high vibrational living, check out the Beautiful Body Course today.
If you’re unsure about whether this course is right for you, or even how to define your specific health goals, set up a free 15-minute consultation with me today. Together, we can ensure that 2020 is your healthiest year yet.